Building Futures’ pre-apprenticeship is an “on-ramp” into apprenticeship in a construction trade. Building Futures provides a five-week training program that introduces trainees to a variety of careers in construction. You will learn some basic skills to help prepare you for a rigorous career as a tradesperson. Graduates of the program also receive support, if needed, throughout their career.

Apprenticeship is a model of career training in any number of skilled career pathways. Apprentices learn highly skilled occupations from a skilled tradesperson (known as a journeyworker) on-the-job and in the classroom. As you gain more experience in your trade, you earn more money on the job.

However, not all apprenticeship programs are equal. Building Futures works only with apprenticeship programs that are registered with the U.S. Department of Labor  and have a track record of graduating apprentices over the past 3-5 years.